Incident Reports (Advance)

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We have data going back to 1970, but geolocation data was only added around 2010. If your filters are too specific you may not get any results.

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Incident Report #2 2007

A party of around 15 had left the summit of Broad Crag to descend to Gt Langdale when they realised that they had left one of their number behind. Most of the party continued their descent back to Langdale, but 4 broke off to look for the missing man. All 5 were reported overdue at around 18.00. Initially Wasdale MRT were contacted

Man Hours
Incident Type

Incident Report #64 2006

Three women from Surrey, walking the Cumbria Way, became lost near the summit of Stake Pass. Although the forecast had predicted rain and wind, they were only wearing shorts and lightweight waterproof jackets, and quickly became cold and distressed. They phoned the Police, claiming to be near Pike O'Stickle. We were unable to re contact them, so a search was organised. They were located at 8p.m. after a bit of detective work. They were on Black Crags.

Man Hours
Incident Type