Incident Report #16 2025
We received reports of a collapsed male with CPR in progress. With air ambulance also attending CPR was continued until the man was sadly declared to have died. His body was recovered from the fell and conveyed to Ambleside
We received reports of a collapsed male with CPR in progress. With air ambulance also attending CPR was continued until the man was sadly declared to have died. His body was recovered from the fell and conveyed to Ambleside
Walkers expressed concern when they saw a woman heading up to Alcock Tarn late in the day. A quick search was made and nobody located, so we stood down
The first incident of a busy day... a participant in a charity walk event slipped and sustained an ankle fracture
A woman sustained an lower leg injury. She was treated and evacuated by the team
A woman was descending from Alcock Tarn when she slipped and sustained a suspected fracture/dislocation of her shoulder.
She was treated by team members and evacuated to Ambleside for ongoing transport to hospital
A man walking his dogs slipped and sustained an ankle injury. He was treated by team members and evacuated from the hill.
A man is his 80's went for a walk, but became a little waylaid and then exhausted trying to find his way down.He also sustained a minor arm injury
An elderly male separated from his wife and subsequently benighted. She returned to their hotel and reported him missing. A hasty search was organised around the Alcock Tarn area, and he was located, sitting in the dark, waiting patiently for rescue... He was assisted off the hill and returned to his hotel, wife and hopefully, dinner...
While trying to find a short cut to the previous incident, and avoid the slog up a steep hill, one vehicle full of team members came across a second incident. Although similar, it was completely unconnected to the first.
This 27-year-old woman slipped on the descent from Alcock Tarn and sustained a suspected lower leg fracture. We did the usual and carried her down.
During the evacuation from rescue No. 26, it was reported that a 59 year old lady from Grasmere had fallen and fractured her lower leg. The helicopter was diverted, it flew team members to the site and airlifted casualty to Ambleside.
An 83 year old man from London collapsed on track near Tarn Treated by team doctor and stretchered to an awaiting ambulance.
The Team went to the assistance of a 60 year old female from Liverpool who slipped on very wet fellside and fractured her ankle.
Cumbria Police requested an investigation when a local farmer and a fellwalker reported on separate days that clothing, food and cooking equipment had been found in deep snow. Team and S.A.R.D.A. located snow holes/bivis, abandoned by a "Training Group".
A 13 yearold boy slipped and fell on Screes and sustained head and ankle injuries. Boy was escorted off the fell before Team arrived. Given treatment by Team at NDG Hotel.