Incident Reports 2024

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Incident Report #62 2024

We were requested to search for a despondent male reported in Langdale. A search was organised and he was located by members of RAF Lemming MRT near Stickler Tarn in the early hours. We were assisted by Police, Keswick and RAF Leeming MRTs, and dears has dogs

Man Hours
6 team members for 12 hours, plus Keswick and RAF Leeming MRT and search dogs
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #54 2024

A DofE participant suffered a suspected ankle injury. He was treated and evacuated with assistance from Kendal and Duddon & Furness MRTs. This help was essential as wee were also dealing with another incident that commenced 10 minutes later 

Man Hours
18 team members for 6 hours, plus Kendal & Duddon MRT
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #53 2024

A broken, dropped phone call suggested a casualty on Side Pike. We were able to get a location from the 999 call.  We responded and located a woman with a knee injury. She was assisted from the hill and made her own way to hospital

We were assisted by Kendal MRT

Man Hours
10 team members for 2.5 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #50 2024

We were requested to attend a multi-agency response to a report of three people in the water in Windermere. The team attended but the incident was resolved by other agencies

Ask yourself three questions

Do I know what the weather will do?

Do I have the skills?

Do I have the equipment?


Man Hours
8 team members for 1 hour
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #47 2024

A woman slipped and sustained a fracture/dislocation to her ankle. It was partially reduced on the hill, then after being evacuated to the valley floor, was fully reduced by air ambulance paramedics with the help of additional medication.

Man Hours
13 team members for 3 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #42 2024

Two figured were spotted high on Loft/Raven Crag and reported as cragfast. A team members travelled hastily to try and get sight before it went dark, but could see nothing. After conversation with various witnesses it was decided to take no further action. One possibility is two climbers topping out, combines with a farmer gathering sheep, combined to give a confusing position… false alarm with good intent

Man Hours
3 team members for 1 hour
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #41 2024

Concerns were raised when a dog was located running free at School Knott. The team were asked to search for the man who hadn’t been heard from since around midday. A number of lines of enquiry were followed before it was identified that th missing was was the same person who had been airlifted unconscious by air ambulance around lunchtime, having been trampled by cows

Man Hours
5 team members for 0.75 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #38 2024

A woman in a walking group felt unable to continue, so the group leader called for help. This was being organised when we were notified that she’d rallied and was able to walk down with assistance, so we stood down. We monitored their descent electronically to confirm they got down

Man Hours
15 team members for 2 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #35 2024

A man reported himself lost and disorientated in the region of Crinkle Crags. A search was organised and team members were deployed when he made contact with other people who were confident that they could assist him. They guided him to Three Tarns and pointed him downhill. The team stood down

Man Hours
11 team members for 3.5 hours, plus LDMRSD
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #25 2024

A male was reported as suffering a head injury in a tent in Mickleden. Initially the fire service was called (it’s a long story!) then requested the team’s assistance. The man was recovered by stretcher then handed over to the ambulance service

Man Hours
12 team members for 2.75 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #15 2024

A couple were unable to continue when they were overcome by snow and cold. They were located and assisted from the hill in very difficult conditions, during which a helicopter attempted to assist but was unable due to severe weather. Team members endured strong winds and heavy, deep snow. If we had not been able to locate them and get them down, it's fair to say the outcome could have been significantly different


Ask yourself three questions:

Do I know the weather forecast?

Do I have the right skills?

Man Hours
16 team members for 10 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #13 2024

A young woman was reported missing with her last known location being reported as Pavey Ark on the 26th. A search was delayed until morning due to the time that had already elapsed, and the dangerous nature of the ground and poor weather. Sadly, a hasty team located the young woman's body around 9 am 

She was recovered to Ambleside 

Our deepest sympathies go to the young woman's family and friends

Man Hours
20 team members for 8 hours, plus Kendal MRT
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #12 2024

In another uncharacteristic pre-lunch call Keswick MRT asked us to attend an incident just across the border between us. They were already committed to an incident on Helvellyn White Side (14) - Keswick Mountain Rescue (

A woman sustained a fractured ankle when she slipped in Wythburn

She was given pain relief and evacuated by stretcher

Man Hours
13 team members for 3 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #11 2024

A young woman phoned for help when overwhelmed by weather at Esk Hause. Very poor phone signal meant information was scant so we set off equipped for most eventualities. She was located uninjured at the bottom of Rossett Ghyll having been assisted down by two other people  



Ask yourself three questions

Do I know what the weather will do?

Do I have the right equipment?

Do I have the skills?

Man Hours
12 team members for 3 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #6 2024

Questionable decision making led to a couple going on to the high fells despite warnings of the approaching storm Isha. Forced to abandon a heavy rucsack they found themselves unable to continue and called for help. With considerable difficulty they were recovered in a joint effort by LAMRT, Patterdale, and RAF Leeming and Valley MRTs. A Coastguard helicopter also attempted access but was unable due to extreme weather conditions

Ask yourself three questions

Do I know what the weather will do?

Do I have the skills?

Do I have the equipment?

Man Hours
18 team members, plus Patterdale, RAF Leeming & Valley MRTs
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #4 2024

A woman reported double ankle injuries in a slip. She tried to continue to move but was unable. The team was called, with Kendal MRT assisting. The woman was winched in to Rescue 199 Coastguard helicopter and her husband and dog returned to the valley in the company of team members

Man Hours
10 team members for 3 hours plus Kendal MRT and Rescue 199
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #3 2024

An apparent distress signal was sighted in the area of Side Pike. Team members met the informant and took a look. Nothing was seen and it was agreed any urgent situation had passed and this was a false alarm with good intent

Man Hours
2 team members for 1 hour
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference