
Incident Report #62 2024

We were requested to search for a despondent male reported in Langdale. A search was organised and he was located by members of RAF Lemming MRT near Stickler Tarn in the early hours. We were assisted by Police, Keswick and RAF Leeming MRTs, and dears has dogs

Man Hours
6 team members for 12 hours, plus Keswick and RAF Leeming MRT and search dogs
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #42 2024

Two figured were spotted high on Loft/Raven Crag and reported as cragfast. A team members travelled hastily to try and get sight before it went dark, but could see nothing. After conversation with various witnesses it was decided to take no further action. One possibility is two climbers topping out, combines with a farmer gathering sheep, combined to give a confusing position… false alarm with good intent

Man Hours
3 team members for 1 hour
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #108 2017

A man separated from his friends to continue to Bowfell while they returned to the valley. When he hadn't returned by 7pm a search was organised.

Luckily he was located by some mountain leaders, who where carrying out a night navigation exercise in the same place (commonly known as The Middle Of Nowhere!) as he went to ground, cold, hungry and very wet. They were able to contact police and pass their location and plan was hatched whereby they would walk him down to Lingcove Bridge, where he would be met by a Wasdale MRT group who had deployed to search that area. 

Man Hours
8 team members fo r6 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #106 2014

A couple phoned 999 when they became lost on the back of what they reported as Bowfell. Their call went through to Manx police, who in turn passed it on the ARCC Kinloss, who then contacted us. We were unable to recontact them to try and get more information about their location, so a search was organised. They were located at Cockley Beck as the search teams were deploying. A Seaking was on its way to assist to try and make best use of a spell of stable weather that we were enjoying but was able to turn back once they had been located

Man Hours
17 team members for 3.5 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #54 2014

Just returned from previous rescue when we were called to attend a RTC on Wrynose Pass, where a car was reported as having rolled off the road. There were actually two vehicles off the road, one on Wrynose and one on Hardknott. Nobody was injured and the team stood own.

Man Hours
20 team members for 1 hour
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #101 2011

A man was reported stuck in his car in snow, high on Wrynose Pass. Two team members attended the vehicle, discovering it empty with a note stating that the occupant had gone to stay in a hotel.. A vehicle was stuck behind it. At the time of writing the road is impassable, due in part to snow, but also because the two cars are blocking it...
Man Hours
2 team members for 2 hours
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #29 1975

A 19 year old rock climber from Coventry slipped and fell off a foot-path at White Ghyll, Langdale after completing his rock climb. He sustained a broken left leg. The team carried him down the fell on a stretcher and then he was taken to hospital in Kendal. Footnote: In common with nearly all accidents involving climbers this year, the rock climb had been completed safely, but the descent is proving to be an accident habit. The weather was warm clear and dry.
Incident Type

Incident Report #49 1988

The Team assisted by Wasdale MRT, Keswick MRT, Eskdale OBMS and SARDA, searched for a party of 5 adults and 4 teenage girls who failed to return from a walk to Scafell. They were found by search dog at Broad Stand near Scafell. They were attempting to complete Ben Nevis, Scafell and Snowdon within the weekend, although they had already failed on Ben Nevis due to the poor weather conditions. Poor judgement by the teachers was main cause of this incident.
Incident Type