Incident Report #18 2025
A small group became lost on Calf Crag. Unconvinced that telephone guidance would assist them, a small group of team members went up to retrieve them
A small group became lost on Calf Crag. Unconvinced that telephone guidance would assist them, a small group of team members went up to retrieve them
Two people got in to difficulty in icy conditions. They phoned for help. A team member was able give them encouragement and guidance and they were able to reach safety
Two adventurous young men were caught out by winter conditions and became unable to continue. They took shelter at Esk Hause. They were located here by a small group of team members and escorted from the fell
A group of three women became separated when they encountered deep snow. One of them ultimately made it back to the valley bottom alone and was located there. The other two were located and extracted via Coastguard Helicopter from Caernarfon and transported to Ambleside where they were reunited with their third party member and rewarmed and checked by paramedics before heading home
Sub-zero conditions and deep, fresh snow made for quite challenging conditions for all
#beadventuresmart #thinkwinter
An 11-year-old female suffered a lower leg injury. She was treated and evacuated in very icy conditions
A couple were unable to continue when they were overcome by snow and cold. They were located and assisted from the hill in very difficult conditions, during which a helicopter attempted to assist but was unable due to severe weather. Team members endured strong winds and heavy, deep snow. If we had not been able to locate them and get them down, it's fair to say the outcome could have been significantly different
Ask yourself three questions:
Do I know the weather forecast?
Do I have the right skills?
A woman reported double ankle injuries in a slip. She tried to continue to move but was unable. The team was called, with Kendal MRT assisting. The woman was winched in to Rescue 199 Coastguard helicopter and her husband and dog returned to the valley in the company of team members
A ,one walker got in to difficulty in icy conditions as darkness fell. He was met and assisted down by team members
A man slipped on icy ground and sustained an ankle injury
A woman slipped on the summit of Wansfell and sustained an ankle injury. She was treated by team members and evacuated by stretcher
A woman sustained an ankle injury when she slipped on frozen ground, She was treated and evacuated by stretcher
A 73-year-old man slipped and sustained soft tissue injuries to his back. He was treated by team members and then evacuated by strectcher over some 'challenging' ground for onward transport to hospital
A woman sustained a serious fracture/dislocation of the ankle when she slipped on frozen ground
A couple ran out of steam while returning from Scafell. They were located near Esk Hause and escorted down
We rescued a woman from near School Knott who had slipped on waterlogged, snow-covered ground and fractured her lower leg.
She was treated by team members and evacuated to an ambulance for onward transfer to hospital
Two people reported themselves cragfast on the Great Slab on Bowfell.
In darkness and very poor weather conditions they were located and assisted from the hill. Make no mistake; full winter conditions still prevail on the high fells
This was a difficult and protracted rescue
An elderly male was witnessed collapsing from a distance. Attempts were made to revive him, firstly by bystanders, and subsequently paramedics and team members, but sadly he was diagnosed as having died at the scene. His body was recovered to Ambleside
Who'd have thought that today, of all days, it would go dark?? Anyway, it was a surprise to 4 people who becam benighted on Slapestone Edge, Grasmere. They were located using SARLOC and recovered using torches...
A woman sutained an ankle injury on Bowfell. She managed to get a decent distance down The Band before succumbing to the pain and difficulty walking. She was evacuated the rest of the way by stretcher