Our Team Members have a vast amount of experience, and many have personal accounts that contain important safety messages. Some of those accounts are gathered below.
Our Team Members have a vast amount of experience, and many have personal accounts that contain important safety messages. Some of those accounts are gathered below.
February, well over twenty five years ago; I found myself the reluctant organiser of a walking party at one of their annual meets.
I was standing in for my father so these people were, at best, acquaintances and many of them were bordering on being total strangers. They were a mixed group ranging from fit young mountaineers through to venerable fell walkers who were nearing the end of their fell walking days.
Back in October 2010 my wife, 12 year old son, Corrie the dog and myself moved into a rented house in Bowness on Windermere.
I had managed to persuade my employers that a move to Cumbria would be of no detriment to my workload and that I could work out of one of our offices based at Glasson Dock on a day to day basis.
Just what should be in your rucksac when you head out onto the hills this summer?
Here's what I carry...
Two personal accounts of a couple of member’s time in the team. One accounts for ten years and the other for forty.. the entire life of the team.
Paul Burke
It has been a short ten years since I first became a full team member.
I did not decide to join on a whim. I thought about it for some time before I took the plunge. I had a bit of an insight it to what was needed as my ‘day’ job as a local Police Officer brought me into contact with them on a frequent basis.