Rock climbing

Incident Report #32 1974

Male (25), of Ashington, fell twenty feet while leading a rock climb on Upper Scout Crag, Langdale. He received a broken ankle, bruises and shock. The team carried him down the fell on a stretcher and he was taken to the County Hospital, Kendal.
Footnote: The cause of this accident is unknown and there is nothing to report.
Weather conditions: Dull with drizzle, with wet rocks.

Incident Type

Incident Report #29 1974

Male (25), of Middlesex, fell twenty feet while leading last pitch on Middle Fell Buttress, Langdale. He received a broken ankle, shock and slight exposure. The team lowered him on a stretcher 120 feet and then a further 200 feet down a steep gulley and then he was taken to the County Hospital, Kendal.
Footnote: Footwear and clothing were only fair. This rescue was carried out in the dark.
Weather conditions: Raining, with low mist.

Incident Type

Incident Report #6 1974

Male (30) from Nottingham, whilst preparing to climb, was hit by a loose rock from above, dislodged by another climber on Middle Fell Buttress, Langdale. He received head, neck and shoulder injuries. The team conveyed him down the fell assisted by the South Ribble team, and he was taken to the County Hospital, Kendal.
Footnote; This rock climber had not even started his climb and was sorting his gear out when the rock hit him. He had no helmet on at the time, but the climber who dislodged the rock had no connection with this man.

Incident Type